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UX/UI & no-code web

Instant Design-to-Ticket Transformation

Ticket Artisan

Ticket Artisan, developed by AE Studio, is an AI tool designed to simplify the conversion of design inputs into development tickets. It streamlines the process by allowing users to upload PNG or GIF format design files. The integrated AI analyzes these files and generates clear and concise user stories, reducing the manual effort required by developers and product managers.

The tool's primary function is to establish a foundational structure for development tasks, promoting efficient communication between designers and developers. By automating the creation of user stories, Ticket Artisan ensures accurate implementation of design requirements in the development process.

A key feature of Ticket Artisan is its capability to handle complex designs. Users can select options to split a single design input into multiple development tickets, addressing scenarios with multiple components. This flexibility allows for a more granular approach to development, ensuring each aspect of the design is appropriately represented in the generated user stories.

AE Studio, known for its innovative AI solutions, underscores the tool's reliability and commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology. Ticket Artisan stands as a testament to AE Studio's expertise in providing solutions that seamlessly integrate design and development processes. Overall, Ticket Artisan offers an efficient and customizable solution for translating designs into actionable development tickets.


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