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UX/UI & no-code web

Build your portfolio with GPT


Showspace is a revolutionary AI-powered portfolio website tool designed to empower job seekers in standing out amidst tough competition, particularly against candidates from renowned entities like FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) and Ivy League schools. Leveraging GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) AI technology, Showspace automates the creation of compelling project showcases within minutes, simplifying the process of building professional portfolios.

This platform proves invaluable for users aiming to share completed projects efficiently with hiring managers and HR professionals, thereby increasing their prospects of securing job offers. Showspace prioritizes user privacy, offering customizable privacy settings to control who can view their work, ensuring a tailored and secure experience.

Although currently in beta, Showspace is offering early access to individuals who sign up for notifications, gradually onboarding select groups of users. Tailored for employees and alumni from diverse backgrounds, the tool facilitates easy sharing of professional accomplishments by allowing users to sign up with their LinkedIn accounts. In essence, Showspace emerges as a vital AI tool for job seekers navigating a competitive job market, offering a streamlined approach to showcasing skills and securing lucrative opportunities.


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