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Data analysis & spreadsheets

The spreadsheet you’ve always wanted


Equals brings a revolutionary shift to the spreadsheet landscape, providing the functionality you've always desired. With the power to query, analyze, and report on live data directly within your spreadsheet, Equals ensures a transformative experience. Here's why Equals stands out:

Seamless Connectivity:
Bid farewell to the tedious process of downloading CSVs or resorting to copy-pasting queries. Equals facilitates direct connectivity to your data, streamlining the workflow for a hassle-free experience.
Intelligent Automation:
Equals is designed to excel at automating routine tasks, freeing you from the burden of repetitive actions. Experience the efficiency of intelligent automation, allowing you to focus on more impactful aspects of your work.
Foolproof Confidence:
Your team can now operate with unwavering confidence, speed, and clarity. Equals introduces a foolproof system that ensures your actions are always backed by accurate and reliable data.


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